Wednesday 7 March 2012

How to cast vision in announcements, etc (Video)

How to cast vision in announcements, etc (Video)

How to cast vision in announcements, etc (Video)

Posted: 07 Mar 2012 12:58 AM PST

A Post from the Confluence Blog on how to cast vision, and give the why for doing what you're doing.
Start With Why

In the past year I came across an 18 minute video by Simon Sinek that has totally revolutionized my approach to preaching, doing announcements, sending emails, leading staff meetings…basically any opportunity to cast vision. We have embedded that talk at the bottom of this post.

Your beliefs as a leader matter.

What Simon points out is that people join you not because of what your product is, but because they believe what you believe. Therefore, it's important that you start with the why before you go to what or how.

For example, if you're looking to cast vision for small groups in your church. Instead of saying something like, "Just wanted to let everyone know that at Jubilee Church we meet in small groups of 10-15 people all throughout the metro area for the purpose of growing in Christ, building relationships and serving others. If you want to join one, signs up start today." It's better to say, "At Jubilee, we believe life is a team sport and that we weren't meant to do life alone. That's why we meet in groups of 10-15 people all throughout the metro area…"

Discover the why

I would encourage you to take a moment before you preach your next sermon, write your next bulletin announcement, or lead your next staff or volunteer meeting, that you first clearly articulate why you are doing whatever it is that you're doing and make sure it connects with your overall vision or values. Sometimes in that process of stating the why, you might even find out your doing the wrong things!

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